Gyeongam TP and NIDV Sign MOU during ADEX 2023

ADEX 2023 Signing

The following will be an excerpt of a news article from cnbnews operating in South Korea. As the article is written in Korean and we cannot post translated news articles on the website in full without permission of the original author/news outlet. We have included a link to which can be used to translate the full article if you wish to read more than what is summarized here. 

Other sources who wrote about this matter will be linked below as well.

Gyeongnam Technopark (hereinafter referred to as Gyeongnam TP) participated in Seoul AEDX 2023 (Seoul International Aerospace & Defense Industry Exhibition 2023) and signed a business agreement on mutual defense cooperation with the NIDV, the Dutch defense and security industry association.

Through this business agreement, the two organizations agreed to establish a cooperation system for the defense industry and seek continuous cooperation in the future, as well as local technical cooperation between defense conglomerates and small and medium-sized enterprises in the province.

The article then continues to expand on how Gyeongam TP intends to proceed in the future and includes the perspective of director Kim Jung-hwan. Some attention is also drawn to the NL Pavilion at ADEX 2023 and the participating companies. 

The full article can be found here.
Should you wish to translate the article, we have linked the ai-based translation website for your convenience. 

Similar coverage of this event can be found through the news outlets linked below:


ADEX 2023
ADEX 2023