Greece News Update 01-07-2024


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Bradley Tanks

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Romeo MH-60R Seahawk

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June 27, 2024 - Greek parliament approves military procurement programs - Greece’s parliamentary armament committee approved four military procurement programs for the Air Force and Navy on Thursday, following a briefing by Defence Minister Nikos Dendias. The programs include the acquisition of F-35 fighter jets, participation in the US Navy’s Constellation-class frigate program, procurement of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) for frigates, and engine inspections for two missile boats. The Air Force will acquire twenty F-35 Block 4 fighter jets, known for their advanced stealth and combat capabilities, at a cost of 3.47 billion euros. This covers technical support, pilot and technician training, additional engines, and simulators to be based at the Andravida Air Base in the Peloponnese. Read more

June 23, 2024 - Personnel leaks cause delay in F-16 upgrades - The program to upgrade Greece’s F-16 Viper jets is reportedly at a tipping point, with well-informed sources saying it can either move ahead or go south. The delays have prompted continuous consultations over the last few months between the Defence Ministry, the Air Force General Staff, the new management of the Hellenic Aerospace Industry (EAV) and the manufacturing company to ensure that the most important armament program of the Hellenic Armed Forces is not derailed. The main reason for the delays in the F-16 upgrade program is the loss of specialized EAV personnel. Resignations of qualified technicians working on the program since 2018 have been a near-daily occurrence, well-informed sources say, creating significant gaps. Read more

June 22, 2024 - F-35 jets procurement letter heads for House approval - The US government’s letter of offer and acceptance (LOA) for the Greek request for the procurement of an F-35 fighter squadron is expected to be submitted for approval to a special committee of Greek Parliament in the coming week. Greek Defence Ministry sources have clarified to Kathimerini that Athens is moving to acquire 20 fifth-generation fighters and that, for the time being, the option for an additional 20 F-35s is not being considered. The LOA, which covers the cost of the aircraft, training, support, infrastructure, and all stages leading up to its acquisition, expires in the last week of July. Read more

June 22, 2024 - Greece gets 164 M2A2 Bradleys, 62 of them as free aid from US - Greek media reported that the Greek Army is set to acquire 164 combat vehicles for the M2A2 Bradley ODS-SA infantry variant. The first 62 have already been inspected visually between June 3 and June 5 at Camp Shelby, Mississippi. These initial 62 vehicles will be provided as free aid under the Excess Defence Articles [EDA] program. A Greek Army commission, which conducted the visual inspection, also visited BAE Systems facilities in Texas. There, they selected an additional 102 vehicles from the company’s inventory. The Greek Army’s goal is to equip four battalions with Bradley M2A2 TOMA, with each battalion comprising 41 vehicles. Read more

June 19, 2024 - Greek and German Defense Companies Forge Alliance to Enhance Leopard 2A8 Tank Armor - Greek defense technology company EODH and German defense giant KNDS Deutschland, formerly known as KMW, have signed a groundbreaking agreement. The collaboration, announced on the third day of the event held in Paris, focuses on integrating the Advanced Integrated Platform Protection System (ASPIS Modular NG-MBT) with the Leopard 2A8 tank. The ASPIS system is a cutting-edge modular protective solution designed to enhance the survivability and operational effectiveness of armored vehicles in various combat scenarios. Read more

June 18, 2024 - Greece Among Over 20 NATO Allies to Meet Defence Spending Target in 2024 - NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced that more than 20 NATO members, including Greece, will meet the alliance’s target of allocating at least 2% of GDP to defence spending in 2024. This milestone reflects a significant increase in military expenditure since Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014. Speaking at the White House, Stoltenberg highlighted that the number of NATO allies meeting the 2% GDP target has more than doubled from less than 10 members five years ago. He noted that defence spending across Europe and Canada is set to rise by 18% this year, the largest increase in decades. Read more

June 16, 2024 - Hellenic Navy’s New Romeo ASWs Appear in Navy Exercises - Hellenic Navy’s recently acquired Romeo MH-60R Seahawk anti-submarine helicopters participated in the “Kataigis 24” and “Lailaps 2/24” naval exercises. The Hellenic Navy set up “Kataigis 24” and “Lailaps 2/24” exercises on various dates at the beginning of June 2024. According to Greek dailies, the drills are held in the central and south-eastern Aegean Sea. One of the new MH-60 Romeo helicopters was seen operating from the Hydra Class (based on MEKO 200) Spetsai F-453 Frigate. Greece ordered seven MH-60R helicopters in two phases via a Foreign Military Sales (FMS) agreement with the US. Read more

June 14, 2024 - Greek Army May Upgrade Rocket Systems with US Missile - The Greek army is reportedly carrying out a study to assess all tactical ballistic missile options for its rocket artillery. Consideration is being given to securing the US Precision Strike Missile (PrSM), which is in development. The study aims to analyse the benefits, costs, acquisition, and integration process for various missiles, including the US precision rocket. The lessons being learned from Ukraine’s efforts in its resistance to Russia will also be analysed for the assessment, as rocket artillery demonstrated its utility in taking out long-range targets. A Greek military delegation will be visiting the US in the coming weeks by invitation to observe a live-fire exercise of the M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS). Read more

June 14, 2024 - Greece's elite unit to receive four MH-60L DAP Black Hawks helicopters used by US Special Forces - As reported by OnAlert on June 14, 2024, the newly established Airborne Special Operations Squadron (MAEE) will receive four MH-60L Direct Action Penetrator (DAP) Black Hawk helicopters configured for the Special Warfare Command in the coming years. The MAEE is set to become the fourth Greek unit of the Joint Special Operations Command (DDEE) certified by NATO, enabling collaboration with the other three units of the DDEE—ETA, Z’ MAK, and the Naval Special Operations Section—in executing alliance missions. Read more

June 12, 2024 - Greek officials inspect progress on FDI frigates at Naval Group shipyard in Lorient - According to information published by the Greek embassy in France on June 6, 2024, Defence Minister Nikos Dendias, alongside Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Secretary of State Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, visited the Naval Group shipyard in Lorient. The visit included a comprehensive briefing on the construction of the Hellenic Navy's FDI frigate, Kimon, which is progressing rapidly. During the tour, the Greek delegation was also shown the dry dock, where they received updates on the construction progress of two additional FDI frigates, Nearchos and Formion. The program involves the construction of three advanced frigates, with an option for a fourth, under a contract signed in March 2022 between Greece and the French Naval Group. Read more

June 12, 2024 - Military eyeing PrSM missiles - Official military sources have confirmed to Kathimerini that officers of the Army General Staff (GES) are preparing to visit the US to watch a demonstration of the HIMARS weapons system. Despite the fact that the procurement of new or upgrading of existing systems is not on the list of immediate priorities of the National Defence Ministry, the visit indicates the strong interest of the military to modernize missile artillery and procure a new generation of Precision Strike Missiles (PrSM, tactical ballistic missiles) that will be used in the exercise. GES is currently in the process of drafting a study outlining all possible options, with operational benefits, costs, and the acquisition and integration process. Read more

June 12, 2024 - India Mulls Greece’s Offer to Buy Old Mirage 2000 Fighters - India is considering the offer from Greece to buy the French-made Mirage 2000 fighters that have been phased out by the Hellenic Airforce. The offer is being seriously considered in New Dehli as the offer price is reasonable and comes with spares, including engines and air-to-air weapons, India’s Times Now reports. According to the report Greece’s offer amounts to Rs 500 crores per plane, which is roughly less than $7 million. A source told the Indian outlet that “it is a steal”. India is also considering buying the phased-out Mirage 2000 from Qatar. Greece currently has 24 Mirage 2000 fighter jets and has offered 18 Mirage-2000s. Read more

June 10, 2024 - Memorandum of Cooperation Signed Between HNDGS, Hellenic Centre for Defence Innovation, and Hellenic Aerospace Industry in Presence of Minister of National Defence Nikos Dendias - Greece is reportedly planning to order ten F4 standard Rafale fighter jets. Greek authorities hold negotiations with the French manufacturer Dassault Aviation. On May 10, 2024, the Greek portal Defence Review revealed that talks between the Greek authorities and the French manufacturer Dassault Aviation had reached an advanced stage; the discussions centre on acquiring up to ten aircraft designed to the forthcoming F4 specification. Dassault executives are likely to visit Athens in the coming weeks to negotiate. "The Hellenic Air Force General Staff has expressed the need to acquire 8 to 10 additional new aircraft to form another fighter squadron," the Defence Review stated. Read more

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