Sebagai penyelaras kluster ini, NIDV bekerja pada peringkat tempatan dan global bagi memastikan semua peserta dapat diketengahkan menerusi penyelidikan pasaran bersama. Sebahagian daripada usaha ini termasuklah menyokong penyelidikan pasaran dan penyelidikan pasaran bersama. Selain itu, ia turut menyokong dan membantu dalam melaksanakan misi perdagangan dan penyertaan dalam perdagangan antarabangsa.

Aktiviti yang akan datang
Tahun ini NEDS kembali dan lebih besar daripada sebelumnya. Terdapat banyak keghairahan daripada pemegang gerai kami, pelawat dan kakitangan NIDV. Pendaftaran untuk pelawat kami akan dibuka semula pada bulan September dan kami berharap dapat berjumpa anda di Rotterdam pada 17 November 2022. Thales Netherlands akan bertindak sebagai penaja.
Terima kasih kepada minat yang ditunjukkan pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya, NEDS telah berkembang dengan pesat dan watak antarabangsa juga meningkat dengan ketara, walaupun menghadapi kesukaran yang disebabkan oleh COVID-19.
Oleh itu, NIDV telah memutuskan untuk menempah dewan kedua di Ahoy untuk NEDS tahun ini. Ini menawarkan banyak peluang, lebih banyak ruang untuk tetamu kami dan lebih banyak ruang untuk gerai baharu.
Jika anda berminat untuk menggunakan ruang baharu ini dan mempunyai pendirian di NEDS atau menghadiri sebagai sebahagian daripada delegasi asing, sila daftar di atau hubungi kami di neds.
Harap maklum bahawa kami berhasrat untuk mengadakan sesi penerangan untuk Pempamer kami juga, sebelum NEDS bermula.
Peristiwa lalu
Dutch maritime delegation strengthens maritime ties in Malaysia

Productive days in Malaysia for this delegation of several innovative Dutch companies—such as Hull Vane, The IP Company, and Vonk! Supported by Deputy Ambassador Eva Oskam, the delegation engaged in discussions with the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA), led by First Admiral Syed Islam, and with the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN), under the leadership of First Admiral Hasnan. These fruitful engagements have further strengthened the strong maritime ties between our nations. A highlight of the visit was the hospitable reception at the RMN Naval Base in Lumut. The delegation had the unique opportunity to board KD Gagah Samudera, where they were warmly received by the ship’s Commanding Officer. Additionally, a special moment was shared on KD Mahawangsa as the delegation reconnected with Commander Nasrul Hadi.
We extend our sincere gratitude to MMEA and RMN for their hospitality and support throughout this visit. The delegation also actively participated in the International Conference on Maritime Ports and Logistics (ICMLP). In the coming days, they will continue engaging with key government and industry stakeholders, paving the way for new collaborations in the maritime sector.
DSA 2024

From May 6 - 9, the Dutch Coalition for Defence took part in the Defence Services Asia 2024 exhibition.
The DSA is co-organised and supported by the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Home Affairs. It is the largest defence and homeland security show in Asia and one of the top five exhibitions in the world, showcasing the most advanced technologies, systems, hardware and electronic warfare equipment the market has to offer.
As part of the Partners for International Business (PIB) initiative with Malaysia, participating companies were hosted in the NL Pavilion. Here, the PIB members presented their innovative products and services to military representatives, industry leaders, and decision makers from all over the world. In fact, the pavilion quickly received a very high-profile visitor as the Malaysian prime minister stopped by for a visit on the first day.
This wasn't the only important event at the Pavilion either, as several PIB Participants held signing ceremonies there. Navtrain, for example, signed a MoU with Marine Science Technology Sdn. Bhd. for further cooperation in the field of training.
Another PIB participant to hold a signing ceremony was Hull Vane, who signed a licensing agreement with Hayat Lestari Holdings Sdn Bhd. Not only will this collaboration bring Hull Vane more to the attention of several important markets in Malaysia and the surrounding nations, but it also allows them to start producing locally.
For more information on this collaboration, please click the link below!
The Dutch delegation was led by General Major Ludy Schmidt and Commissariat for military production. The PIB Malaysia is coordinated by the NIDV, in cooperation with the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) and the local embassy. If you want to participate in other upcoming events, then click the link below and contact the coordinator!
Read the full article on the Hull Vane - Hayat Lestari Holdings Sdn Bhd. licensing agreement here
'Roadshow' Trade Mission 2024
February 20-22
On February 18th, the PIB members traveled to Kuala Lumpur to take part in the 'Roadshow' trade mission.
During this trade mission the members had the opportunity to visit the Headquarters of the Malaysian armed forces and meet directly with Malaysian military representatives. Visits to Malaysian knowledge institutes were on the agenda as well.
The members also had ample opportunity to engage in matchmaking with companies in the Malaysian Defence and Security sector to network and explore potential opportunities. Representatives of MIDES, the organization charged with coordinating the development direction of the Malaysian Defence, Enforcement, and Security industries and discussing issues and challenges faced by Defence, Enforcement, and Security industry companies also attended the event.
Imdex 2023

Pameran NIDV Pertahanan dan Keselamatan ialah acara terbesar untuk industri berkaitan Pertahanan dan Keselamatan di Belanda dan Benelux. Akan Datang Simposium & Pameran NIDV tahunan sedang diadakan tahun ini pada 19 November 2020 di AHOY Rotterdam dan merupakan acara unik untuk profesional yang meliputi seluruh bidang keselamatan. Acara itu juga mengetengahkan perkembangan teknologi terkini dalam bidang itu. Selain syarikat dan institut ilmu, kementerian yang terlibat, angkatan tentera, Pertubuhan Bahan Pertahanan, Perkhidmatan Keselamatan, Wilayah Keselamatan, Pengawal Pantai dan Kor Polis Negara juga mempunyai tempat berdiri dalam pameran itu.
DSA 2020
Pameran dan Persidangan Perkhidmatan Pertahanan Asia (DSA 2020) akan berlangsung dari 28 hingga 31 Mac di MITC, Kuala Lumpur. DSA ialah salah satu rancangan Perkhidmatan Pertahanan terkemuka di dunia dan penganjur menjangkakan hampir 1500 syarikat dari 60 negara/negara. Belanda akan menjadi salah satu daripada 33 negara yang akan mempunyai pavilion negara di DSA.