Unlocking hydrogen opportunities together
As we face the same challenges in finding a zero pathway, we all want to contribute to a smooth transition to renewable energy. In support of decarbonising global production and energy use, hydrogen has been identified as an essential component and part of the solution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and their impact on global warming. Hydrogen is an energy carrier that can be stored and eliminates the imbalance between the supply and demand of renewable energy like solar and wind. As hydrogen is a relatively new product to use at scale, a whole new value chain is being developed to support the production, transport, storage, distribution and usage of (low carbon) hydrogen and its derivatives.
Opportunities for the Gulf states
Sustainable growth and development can only be achieved through joint efforts. The hydrogen sector is an upcoming industry with high potential for growth both in the Netherlands and the Gulf states. The Netherlands has embraced the development of clean hydrogen as an essential energy carrier and wants to play a significant role in implementing and operating this new value chain. The UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Oman are dedicated to leading the global sustainable transition in the clean hydrogen sector.